The Gift Only You Can Give.
No matter what circumstances or events you experience, you have the choice to have your own back.
Sometimes, others have your back. What a wonderful truth! And it feels so good to be on the receiving end of another’s love and support!
Other times, you may be without that external support, or you may feel barraged by thoughts your brain offers up that generate doubt, shame, fear, etc.
But none of that has to be a problem as long as you know that you can provide that support for yourself.
What does having your own back look like IRL?
Not believing the negative self talk that your brain presents to you. (*That* talk is poison, and you don’t have to believe it.)
Practice speaking the language of loving and kind words to yourself. If you’re well versed in the negative self talk, then the loving self talk may take practice.
Listen for that loving voice your encouraging your brain to practice. All the loving self talk goes to waste if it falls on ears that aren’t seeking to hear it.
Encourage yourself to “let it all out”. Let your emotions be without judging them or preventing them. The negative ones, while they do feel terrible, pass through your body easier when you let them flow instead of holding them in.
Remind yourself that you’re human. Humans are imperfect, they create messes, and they also create masterpieces. All of it…is yours. Having your own back acknowledges this reality without trying to be someone or something different. You are human, Love. And this is all you need to be.
This is what having your own back looks like. I speak from experience. I didn’t always know this, but I’m so glad to have created this action plan for myself. Feel free to borrow any/all of it.
Having your own back creates a much different, better, richer, and authentic human experience than the one where your brain is your own worst enemy.